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Overwhelmed? Uninspired? Switch yourself off and recharge your batteries.

Having a long-term project like a blog, content creation, or an artistic hobby, is always a big endeavour. And unfortunately, you can’t always be 100%. Over the past few months I haven’t been too excited about my blog and producing content here. Nothing wrong with it, too. It doesn’t mean that I’m tired of blogging at all, but I have less time nowadays, and fewer ideas than I did before too. At first I found it very frustrating and took it as me not being as good with the whole blogging thing, but then, during the recent summer holidays and when I happened to not post for more than a month, I realised it is actually OK to give it a break. If you are feeling like me right now, here the little tips I gathered that made me feel better about slowing it down!

WHEN should you take a break?

There is a difference between when you should try a little harder and push yourself, and when you’ve just got to stop altogether and take a break. I do believe resilience is key and you should always try to improve what you would like to change, in yourself or in what you do. But then, how do you know when it’s time to stop? 

Generally, if you lack inspiration for too long and you can’t get your motivation back for a while, even though you’ve tried everything, then you should consider stopping everything and taking a step back. It doesn’t mean that you will never get there, it just means that you give yourself the time to live, relax, focus on self-care, before getting back to the task. There is no shame in taking time to do something. Enjoying the journey is important, and if you don’t put yourself first, you will hit the wall eventually. So look for the little signs that tell you to stop for a bit, and listen. Don’t overdo it.

WHY should you take a break?

If you’re stuck, pushing it again and again won’t help – it may just tire you out more and you need to feel refreshed to start over with new motivation and ideas. Taking a break will put things in perspective and allow you to think about why you have been feeling that way and how you can make it better. Stressing out about not being good enough is never a good option! This is why you need a break: to relax, think things through, reflect on your own mental health and fix it. With some time and self-care, you will slowly find a path to move forward again and fuel your creativity.

HOW should you take a break?

I have tried ‘half breaks’ before, and it doesn’t really work. Like pretending to be on a break, but ending up doing a bit of this and that, because I was feeling too guilty to completely stop and pause. Leave your project out for a bit and do something different: call a friend, watch a film, do a pamper session, instead of working on your project as you usually would. Look after your mind and practise more self-care. Look for support if you need it: ask friends out, do things together and maybe ask them for advice on your situation. Chances are they’ve been there too – we all have! – and if they know you well, they will give you relevant advice that you may not have found out on your own. Sometimes, you can’t do it all on your own and that’s totally ok! So own the fact that you’re taking a break and slowing down a bit. I really believe things work out at the right time eventually, though it may take longer than anticipated. Listen to yourself and you will get there!

What do you do when you need a break? What’s your favourite way to recharge your batteries?

Lots of love,

Julia x

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Hi there! I'm Julia.

About Me

28 years old, based in Paris, France. I'm a primary school teacher by day, blogger and creator the rest of the time! I love coffee, exploring pretty places, and helping you grow through self-care and positivity. Happy to meet you!