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Because there are worst things than staying at home and chill, right?

Right now, a large part of the world is asked to stay home, to help minimize the Covid-19 infection. In France, we are on week 2 of the quarantine isolation. For many this is an unprecedented situation, and it is okay to feel lost, frustrated and worried. However, like any other negative feelings, I invite you to turn them into positives. After all, it’s not so hard to stay at home, right? When you know how to make the most of your time.

I have compiled in this post a handful of things you can do, at home, to keep yourself busy – but in a positive, rewarding way. You won’t have any time left to worry, trust me!


A lot of us complain that we just “don’t have the time.” There is so much we would like to do, or maybe do again, and yet in our usual routines we are too busy to make time for it. Well, now that our timetables are a little freed up, it’s time to take back an activity you used to love doing. It could be an old hobby of yours. Maybe you enjoyed drawing when you were younger: why don’t you get your pencils out again? Or maybe you used to play music, but you’re a bit rusty now: why not practice and play for your loved ones? There are so many things we love but never find the time for. For me, it’s blogging – yes, blogging! – which has taken a backseat for a long time now. But thanks to the confinement, I have been working on it a lot more than usual, even getting a new theme, as you can see!



Is there a better time than now for a spring clean? Decluttering always help to feel at peace with your surroundings, and when spending so much time at home, sometimes in small spaces, it is preferable avoid mess. One space that we don’t tend to declutter as much is the kitchen. How many mugs and glasses do you have that you haven’t used in ages? Old pans, cooking tools? Decluttering this area will make it much more pleasant afterwards to spend some time cooking fun meals. Sorting out paperwork and administrative files is also a tedious task that we usually postpone or not remember to do – so get the shredder out and sort through it all! I have done this right at the beginning of the quarantine and it has made me feel very accomplished and in order. Clearing up is great for the mind!


Another thing we never have time for: learning for fun. Because yes, learning for fun is great! It gives you more knowledge (and knowledge is power!), broadens your horizons, and opens up new opportunities for you, say if you’re learning a new language to explore a new country, or learning a personal skill that would help you in your professional career eventually. There are many ways to learn at home, and for free: for languages, the Duolinguo app works well for grasping basics in a new language. If you want to learn fun facts, have a look on Netflix – I’ve started watching a show called The Mind, Explained which taught me really interesting stuff about how the brain works, how dreams work… It’s a short series that can easily be watched while cooking or stretching in the evening. I also starting reading the MET (Metropolitan Museum of Art) in New York website for short essays written by professionals about hundreds of different Art and History topics. My favourite are 19th century European art and Greek + Roman art. I read one article aloud to my boyfriend every evening, and we have great fun learning new things that way. Finally, if you want to step up your game, you can take an online course, or MOOC. These can last quite a few weeks, but you could kickstart a course now and build up the habit, which you will hopefully keep once this whole confinement period is over.



I appreciate that not everyone wants or feels the need to work out, but I still wanted to mention this tip because it really does work for me, and I figure it might work for some of you too! Even if you don’t usually work out, and don’t implement it in your ‘normal’ routine, I really suggest that you try to exercice at least a couple times a week, from home. There are so, so many videos on YouTube, for beginners as well as more advanced audiences, where you could find your match. Working out will break the sedentary life you’re living right now – think about it: you’re not walking around as much, you’re not moving, so make the effort to be active at home. I personally love Blogilates and Rebecca Louise who are both great at motivating and have lots of videos for lots of different fitness levels.

Working out and moving is also a great way to improve your mind through endorphins – it is proven that endorphins released during exercise make you feel happy and improve your wellbeing. So you may want to start little and not overwhelm yourself, but you should definitely start now!


In such a sad and worrying situation worldwide, you may feel anxious and down. This is why self-care is so important at this time: make sure to look after your mental health, as much as you are looking after your physical health by staying home and self-isolating. Yoga is a great help, especially beginner video sessions, because they give you all the basics, tell you how to breathe properly to relax, and give you indications as what you can think about, and how you can switch your mindset, to make the most of the experience and feel good when you’re done. Yoga with Adriene is great for this. If yoga doesn’t work for you, then do something you really love, and completely space out about everything else, only to focus on what you are doing and enjoying in the present moment. It could be cooking or baking, watching a hilarious show that makes you forget about everything else, or having a crazy solo dance party in your living room. Listen to your heart and it will tell you what would make you feel better, there and then.


Being stuck at home and having all days resembling one another is not easy. You will have ups and downs, we all do, and it’s normal to not always feel excited and happy and motivated. This is why it’s important to communicate. Call your friends and family, organise video calls with your buddies, ask for news of people you know who are spending this time alone, or may be more vulnerable. Ask how everyone is. You will find that people share the same feelings as you, and by communicating with them, telling them how you feel and asking for advice, you will feel better about your situation. These are strange times, but we are all in this together. (This is *not* a voluntary High School Musical reference.) Let’s support each other, and remember that if we are home, well and healthy, we should be grateful and share the positives all around!

Are you in confinement right now? How do you spend your days at home?

Lots of love,
Julia x

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Hi there! I'm Julia.

About Me

28 years old, based in Paris, France. I'm a primary school teacher by day, blogger and creator the rest of the time! I love coffee, exploring pretty places, and helping you grow through self-care and positivity. Happy to meet you!